review details
 •  July 2001
Mozart · Mitridate, re di Ponto
Santa Fe Opera
  • Kenneth Montgomery drew crisp playing from the orchestra and showed a fine sense of the opera's pacing.

    George Loomis, Financial Times, 9/08/01

  • ... the able and willing cast responded wholeheartedly to conductor Kenneth Montgomery's lucid musical leadership ...

    Montgomery and the SFO orchestra provided a strong sonic web for it all ...

    Craig Smith, The New Mexican, 17/07/01

  • Kenneth Montgomery's conducting was finely paced and energized.

    Kenneth LaFave, The Arizona Republic, 5/08/01

  • Kenneth Montgomery - a familiar figure over the years, who led with his usual grace, clarity and finesse.

    Joanne Sheehy Hoover, Albuquerque Journal, 16/07/01

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